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There are 12 hotlines found matching your criteria. There are 10 hotlines shown per page.
(800) 482-8274
Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers
(888) 248-0822
Thursday's Child National Call Center
(800) 872-5437
For At Risk Youth
Title 1 (employment)
(800) 669-4000
complaints about Title 1 (employment) by units of state and local government or by private employers should be filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. 800-669-6820(TTY)
Together Rx Access
(800) 842-0283
Free prescription savings card program for persons who do not qualify for Medicare (64 years and under). This is a discount card.
Together RX Prescription Savings Program
(800) 865-7211
A prescription savings program that provides savings to eligible medicare enrollees on more than 150 widely prescribed medicines-right at the counter. Eligibility: *Medicare Enrollee; *Income less than $28,000 for one and $38,000 for two; and no prescription drug coverage.
Toll Free Numbers for Health Information
(800) 000-0000
Toll-Free Numbers for Health Information These selected toll-free numbers for organizations provide health-related information, education, and support. These organizations do NOT diagnose or recommend treatment for any disease. Some of the organizations use recorded messages; others provide personalized counseling and referrals. Most offer educational materials; some charge handling fees. Go to WEB Address for all listings. .
(800) 932-8677
Tourette Syndrome Association
(800) 486-8738
- Trace Research and Development Center
(608) 263-54087
To prevent the barriers and capitalize on the opportunities presented by current and emerging information and telecommunication technologies, in order to create a world that is as accessible and usable as possible for as many people as possible